‘The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.’ -nietzsche
Browse Author
the fishing ships come in laden with buckets of fruits de mer and mermaid tails
The sea makes treasure hunters of us all
sometimes you scan the horizon for your vanishing point and just dream
take these hands
i saw muslims worrying their prayer beads, lips moving soundlessly. I saw talibaes begging with their tomato cans, mostly empty. i saw a porter carrying flats of eggs balanced impossibly atop his head. i saw women carrying babies; cats stealing chicken bones and i saw seagulls taking off with silver flashing fish. and i saw one man his arms were empty but he carried the weight of the whole world.
Mosqué liberty
It is pre-dawn on a chill blue ocean and the mosque speakers come alive with a hiss and crackle and haunting call to prayer.
Allah hu Akbar.
Hayya ‘ala-l-falah, hayya ‘ala-l-falah.